Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Be Strong Arashi

Boys... Despite what happened with your mic (turned off? music is too loud? and NO EAR MONITOR?!) you all still gave us your best performance. It'd be perfect if I click mute tool but I still enjoy your voice til I wanna cry. No wonder about offkey when you couldn't hear your own voice T_T

Matsujun must be pissed and wanna kill the reckless staff who forgot to give them ear monitor AND didn't turn on their mic (especially Ohno's).

What I heard was painful, but I still believe that you are not THAT bad. I know it.

Anyway, Aiba's outfit is cute (not to mention the haircut, HAWT). He looks like European Prince in olden days. Is it just me or Ohno's getting thinner? Or his wardrobe was too big (and super plain compared with others)?

Be strong, boys! I hope your uncle Johnny will use his superpower to prevent bad news from media about the terrible performance. Seriously you guys still so pretty and charming (again, if muted).

Beneran deh hati ini tercabik-cabik mendengar Arashi nyanyi kaya orang buta nada. Mau gimana lagi ya kesalahan teknis yang sangat fatal sih. Kalo Ohno aja sampe fals berarti salah di teknis. Ohno gitu.. angelic voice! Waktu konser dan micnya mati karena hujan, gw baru percaya kalo suara dia saat live itu PERSIS di album. Luarrr biasa Ohnooooo.


w yuni said...

gak papa ah gw udh liat. cuman pas dansu agak jadi pada buyar dikit gitu ritmenya jd beda dikit. beritanya ga terlalu santer sih, kyknya semua media udh disogok pake emas balokan

Nien said...

bukan yun. kabarnya mereka dijebak!! coba cekidot jurnal deh. ktnya staf pada panik karena kok tau2 arashi gak pake ear monitor. ada yang berniat jahat sama mereka huhuhuhuhuhu

Shora Aria said...

Kenapa ya kok kayaknya di gambar tu Arashi sama sekali ga pake mic, baik yang dipegang maupun yang ditaruh di telinga(gomen, gak tau namanya.)
btw, itu performance yang mana?
LAgunya Meikyuu ya???

Nien said...

itu mic di tangan satu lagi ketutupan pantat :3
iya meikyuu love song.

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